Father Gregory Umunna’s Silver Anniversary of his Ordination

On Tuesday, 23 August a Concelebrated mass was led by the jubilarian, with Bishop Stephen Robson, 23 priests and a full participating Church followed by a buffet and entertainment in the hall.

Father Gregory was ordained in Nigeria aged 28 having entered a seminary aged 11. Prior to coming to Scotland he was seconded to Belgium and the U.S.A.

Mission statement

We are a welcoming and participating Catholic community made up of St Stephen’s Blairgowrie and St Luan’s Alyth. As a parish family of God’s people, we strive to be led by the Spirit to be strengthened by a bond of love and unity, to be guided by the gospel message of Christ and to be refreshed and nourished by the Body and Blood of Christ at the Eucharistic table. Enriched by a vibrant people of God from diverse backgrounds and supported by many gifts employed in various ministries and stewardship, we journey together through life as a community and so, look out for one another.

Celebrating our Parish Diversity Day

Congratulations to Fr Gregory on his 20th Anniversary